Have you ever come to a point in your life when you wanted to do more? More to help out those in need, more to develop yourself and most of all….more to make a difference? Well that time is now for me. My name is David O’Mara and I am just your average guy looking to make a change. I have spent years volunteering for one of the best philanthropic organizations in the United States, Real Options for City Kids, otherwise known as R.O.C.K. This is an organization that works tirelessly to help create physical and educational development programs for underprivileged kids in San Francisco. They have changed the lives of many young boys and girls and are about to help change mine. I grew up in Modesto, CA and had the privilege of knowing someone who committed her entire life to helping others. My Aunt Claire was an educator, a missionary and most of all a wonderful role model
  for me and my family. She has spent her entire life working to better the lives of others. It is in her honor that I have made the decision to embark on this two month journey. I have left my job and will be riding my bike across America to raise money to support the R.O.C.K. cause. Am I a seasoned cyclist you ask? No. Have I done this before? No. Am I a little bit nuts? Probably. This is my chance, however, to make a change. I realized that I have the capacity to do something that could truly change the lives of others. Yes, it will be a challenge. And, yes, it is a big risk - but, if Aunt Claire taught me anything, it’s that the joy you get from enriching the life of someone else is worth every sacrifice that comes with it. Wish me luck! Here’s to you Aunt Claire…. - Dave O

Congratulations Dave!

Dave is at it again and is ready to further challenges himself. On June 5, 2011, Dave and four others will seek to finish the Escape from Alcatraz Triathlon and raise even more money for R.O.C.K. To learn more, visit the official website

If you haven't been following, Dave is now finished with his ride. Beginning on May 22nd and ending July 8th, Dave cycled over 3,000 miles to support ROCK.

Total money raised: $63,272.38

Amount raised for the Brett Bullen Scholarship Fund: $27,053.64

ROCK still is still in need of your support. Visit www.rocksf.org to make your donation today!
100% of proceeds from Dave's ride benefits Real Options for City Kids (R.O.C.K.)

Top Reasons to Give
1. $10k provides a safe environment for kids to play sports on Saturdays
2. $35k covers after-school homework and learning enrichment to increase their chances of long-term success
3. Amounts over $150k will go toward a college scholarship fund to provide hope to children who have never dreamed of attending college
Donate Now
Copyright 2010 Following Claire
R.O.C.K. Tax ID# 94-3212617